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International law

International law

The Mateusz Romowicz Legal Consultancy has a great deal of experience in providing legal assistance in matters associated with international law in the broadest understanding of that term.

We attach great importance to providing a complete and reliable interpretation of EU law and treaty law to assist Clients in applying these regulations correctly.
Our expert assistance in this field is aimed mainly at entrepreneurs involved in international trade and transport, as well as at shipbuilding companies. We provide a service to companies that wish to expand their activities by opening divisions or branches in foreign countries. The consultancy also offers services to foreign entities wishing to add Poland to the territories they operate in.

We deliver legal services to natural persons asserting claims arising from civil law and employment contracts performed for foreign entities.

The scope of services covered by the consultancy furthermore includes representation before international courts and tribunals, including the Court of Justice of the European Union and the International Court of Justice.